Admitted transfer students

Welcome to the UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture (UCLA Arts).

UCLA Arts plays a vital role in the cultural and artistic life of the campus and the broader community. Guiding our mission is the belief that the arts are not only an essential part of a public research university, but the practice and presence of the arts are a cornerstone of the creative, innovative thinking and collaborative approaches that the 21st century demands.

Our students have unparalleled opportunities to learn in intimate, hands-on studio settings from distinguished faculty who rank among the most accomplished artists, designers, architects, performers, ethnographers, and scholars of our time.



SATURDAY, MAY 11 - BRUIN DAY: A campus-wide event for all admitted Transfer Students, which includes a student resource fair, sample academic lectures, financial aid consulting, specialized tours of the campus and residential facilities, department open houses, and individual meetings with students to talk about life on campus.

A crowd of admitted students and their families walking through campus
Installation view of an art exhibition featuring an old tube-style television and seven large stones


For this edition of You See LA—a long-running UCLA Arts series— UCLA Arts has compiled a list of on-campus explorations and nearby exhibitions and events for visitors to UCLA Bruin Day for Transfer Students.



Visit the UCLA Arts YouTube Channel to view discussion panels featuring undergraduate students speaking about their experiences at UCLA Arts.

Four students arranged in a grid speaking about their experiences at UCLA Arts
Two students holding celebratory signs and pom poms celebrate Bruin Day on campus


View the New Student Checklist and submit your Statement of Intent to Register before June 1.